Counseling Services at Steele Cre​ek, PLLC
Holly L. Horn, MA, LCMHCS​
Couples therapy/co-parenting therapy
Couples therapy/co-parenting therapy
Bridging the Gap: Building Healthier Relationships
This is a series of intensive groups addressing specific relationships. Couples are a unique dynamic that can bring both joy and stress.
Couples love intensively and also disagree intensively. I work with couples on a week to week basis or intensively, which would be longer sessions more frequently. I provide communication skills, addressing specific concerns such as finances, parenting agreements, handling extended family, friends, and life decisions.
I offer an 8 week premarital counseling/course. The cost is $100 per session and requires an 8 week commitment.
I also have counseling to assist with co-parenting with newly divorced and separated parents.
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