Counseling Services at Steele Cre​ek, PLLC
Holly L. Horn, MA, LCMHCS​
Couples/Parenting Therapy
Couples/Parenting Therapy
This is a series of intensive groups addressing specific relationships. Couples are a unique dynamic that can bring both joy and stress. Partners can both love and disagree intensively. That is why Counseling Services at Steele Creek, PLLC offers an 8-week premarital counseling/course, costing $130.00 per session and requiring full commitment for the whole duration.
We work with couples on a week-to-week basis or engage in longer sessions more frequently. We provide communication skills, addressing specific concerns such as finances, parenting agreements, handling extended family, friends, and life decisions.
With techniques from Gotman 1, 2 and 3, we offer couples intensive counseling. With full participation from both partner, we will be able to take an intensive dive into the dynamic of your relationship with intensives.
3 hour intensive - $650
6 hour intensive- $1200
If you have been newly divorced or separated with your partner, it can be difficult to raise your children without having complications with your ex-husband or ex-wife. For this reason, we also provide counseling to assist with co-parenting.
We offer co-parenting session to work within the family values, help the parents draw up a contract that will follow their children through to adulthood, and help the parents find a way to effectively communicate putting their children first. These sessions are for divorced parents, never married couples, blended families, and any consideration of a parental figure in a child's life.
What we want is for you to have healthier relationships despite the challenges that circumstances may present. We serve clients in Charlotte, North Carolina and surrounding areas. Contact us for more details about how we can help you overcome a messy situation and have peace of mind.